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Letting Go (2)- learn how to

Updated: Nov 3, 2024

At a friend's suggestion,I began meditating and going inward to seek answers.

What I do: I wake up early, use one mantra or word (eg: Satnam) and stay in meditation as long as I can. Some of the things I received clarity on - I have shared in this blog.

I have shared a lot in my previous blog and this one with only one goal in mind - 'that it may help you in some way'.

People will always have opinions.
Why worry about it when you don't have the power to change their opinion.
Stay in your truth & value your own opinion about yourself.
Some people will love you - because they see something about themselves in you.
Some people will hate you - because what they see in you is present in them too but they have not fully accepted it.
In the end, know that there is only One Consciousness & we are all connected to it, like it or not.
In this season of division, the only truth is Unity.

Okay, lets go.

Letting go is difficult. We all get it - whether it’s a person, an identity, a dream, or even an idea of how life should be. We hold on tight, thinking that if we just keep our grip, happiness will come. But here’s the truth: holding on so hard only creates resistance.

Letting go may feel scary, but it’s actually the key to real freedom and joy.

Here’s how letting go can help you open up to a life with more peace and less stress:

1. Attachment Equals Resistance

We might think that holding on to people or outcomes will make us happy. But that’s an illusion. When we tie our happiness to something outside ourselves, we’re bound to feel restless. Letting go means shifting our focus inward and releasing that pressure.

We remain attached because we believe that by holding on, we may lose something.

When we are un-attached - it doesn't mean that we don't care.We simply will not care for any specific 'outcome'.

We reach a point where we don't care if we win or lose anymore.

From this state of mind, you become dangerously authentic & free to be yourself.

2. Be Present for the Joy of It

Happiness lives in the present. Ever notice how when we sing or dance or paint purely for the fun of it, we feel free? We’re not performing for anyone; we’re just there, in the moment, being ourselves. Letting go invites us to live in the now, to find peace without needing any external reward.

Follow your passion..your excitement - nothing else matters.

3. From Scarcity to Abundance

Letting go scares us because we think we’ll lose what we need. But here’s a reminder: if one flower fades, it doesn’t mean others won’t bloom. Life is full of endless possibilities, and when we trust this abundance, we let go more easily.

Being needy is human nature especially when you have circumstances within your life that may be throwing you off balance.But being needy attracts more scarcity and repels abundance.

It helps to use external help to shift from scarcity to abundance. Remember to surround yourself with people who will uplift you.

4. Let Go to Let Life Flow

When we stop clinging to outcomes, we free up energy that naturally draws better things our way. It’s like unclenching a fist - when we relax, the world feels our openness. By letting go, we clear a path for synchronicities, love and opportunities we couldn’t have forced.

Letting go is not an act - its a 'choice' you make.

Imagine that you loved somebody dearly and couldn't imagine a life without them.

And letting them go feels impossible right now.

Now imagine that this person has created havoc for society or for your relationship and it doesn't feel safe anymore - you'll be able to make the choice to let go more easily.

5. Find Wholeness Inside

Real happiness isn’t about the people or things we have - it’s about how complete we feel within. Letting go shows us that true joy and peace come from self-acceptance, not from external conditions. When you can love and be okay with just you, you’re truly free.

Imagine this scenario: You love somebody or a specific identity a lot & it makes you believe that, that person or identity makes you happy.What happens when that person goes away? Does your happiness go away with them? That was then only short term pleasure, not happiness.

My understanding is that 'happiness is a state of consciousness' that does not go away when the person or identity leaves.

So, when the person or identity leaves - and you see that they are happy, you will still have your happiness within. This is when unconditional love is experienced.

If you want somebody because you believe that, that person will make you happy - then i'm sorry to disappoint you but even when you 'attain' them, you will still feel somewhat empty after awhile.

6. Embrace the Chaos of Growth

Let’s be real: sometimes letting go feels like our whole world is crumbling.

Old friends, past habits, familiar ways—they might fall away.

But think of it as a necessary shake-up for new growth.

We have to clear the old to build something better.

Sometimes, there is a payoff for not letting go.It could be personal circumstances, not wanting to be alone, boredom or you believe nobody or nothing better will come along.

All these thoughts and ideas of payoffs are simply illusions, don't fall for it.

On the other side of chaos & pain is peace.

Darkness is only light, waiting to happen.

Struggle is only surrender, waiting to happen.

Density is only clarity, waiting to happen.

Letting go isn’t about loss - it’s about creating space. Space for peace.

It’s the brave choice to trust that life has your back, even when things are uncertain.

So loosen your grip, take a deep breath and watch what freedom feels like.

If my words have resonated with you and you need support, I'm here to help - reach out to me.




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