*Warning signs when Depressive symptoms are setting in (Watch out for these in your near & dear ones)
1.They are much more quieter than normal.And sometimes,it’s the opposite - there is sustained unresolved anger,low threshold for the lid to blow off.Crying spells.
2.They use the excuse ‘I’m tired’ a lot.(This is NOT an excuse.. this feels very real to them)
3.They’ve lost their appetite.(Or the opposite is true - overeating/emotional eating to compensate for the need to feel loved)
4.They want to be alone (a lot).
5.They struggle to keep up/stay engaged in conversations.
6.They become more emotionally distant.
7.They are more apathetic about things they wouldn’t normally be.
8.Interacting briefly but going back to having a ‘blank expression’ as default.
9.Avoiding eye contact.
10.Early morning waking up (3am..4am)
**This is not an exhaustive list,it is only aimed at being a general guide.Kindly refrain from diagnosing people using this information.
SUICIDE has hit an all time high this year and it is not being talked about.
Can these helplines be shared far & wide for those who need a helping hand? (These helpline numbers are for UK residents)
Samaritans 116123
AnxietyUK 03444775774
CALM 0800 585858
PAPYRUS 0800 0684141
Young minds 0808 802 5544
Crisis text line(text ‘Shout’ to 85258)
How can you help your friends who may be suicidal ?
•Don't minimise or invalidate their feelings.
•Listen.Really listen and create a judgement free space.
•Be their advocate, help them get help.
•Ask them what they need from you. Do that if you can.
•Encourage self care and taking care of basic needs.
•Spend time with them and be present.
•Let them know they aren't a burden to you.
•Point them in the direction of helpful resources.
•Help them create a crisis plan.
(in a crisis situation, call 911 immediately UK residents)
#beatTheStigma #reachOut #helpSomeone #checkInOnSomeone #DepressionKills #UKhelplines #talkAboutThis #itsOkaytoNOTbeOkay
#youAreNOTAlone #suicidePrevention #10EarlySignsof DepressiveDisorder
With love & gratitude,